HE’S BACK! Phil Robertson Calls Out the Legislation of Perversion

Originally posted at Clash Daily In America of late, legislating morality is a big no-no. How dare the law impose antiquated religious standards of morality on a society where individuals get to decide what’s acceptable for them based on personal perceptions of right and wrong? Well, once again provocative Duck Dynasty patriarch …

Topsy Turvy America: Wholesomeness Banned and Debauchery Applauded

Originally posted at The Blacksphere If America has any question whether or not our nation is in a moral and spiritual death spiral think about this:  Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty has been publicly chastised for exercising his First Amendment right to express his opinion and his faith. Meanwhile, a …

Will Obama Blame the Duck Dynasty Next?

Originally posted at The Blacksphere Abysmal failure Barack Obama is nervously rooting around to find someone to blame for the disaster he’s created and for the roadblocks preventing him from wreaking additional havoc on America. The president is impugning the Republicans as well as radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, …

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