Smaller Government’s Newest Politician: Barack Obama

Originally posted at American Thinker. blog Seems Barack Obama has slipped on his Mitt Romney mask.   The President hosted a White House smaller-government event complete with a bubble graph slide show and CEOs.  One difference: Obama is proposing lessening the grip of government on jobs and the economy by asking Congress to …

Contradicting Reports Cast Doubt On Whether Michelle Obama Felt ‘Alone, Frightened and Unsure’ Before DC Move

Originally posted at BIG Journalism In the March 2009 issue of Vogue in an article entitled “Leading Lady,” editor at large André Leon Talley pays homage to Michelle Obama, who he believed was “poised to be the most transformative First Lady in history.” In the opening paragraphs of the article …

Cordray Nomination Jeopardizes Constitutional Checks and Balances

Originally posted at BIG Government Forty-four of 46 Republican Senators vowed they would not approve “any consumer financial bureau director unless the agency was put under a five-member outside board, had its work checked periodically by bank examiners and had its budget approved by Congress rather than the Federal Reserve.” …

Obama, Tebow and America’s Hunger for Heroes

Originally posted at American Thinker. Ever hungry for an authentic hero, Americans have turned to Tim Tebow.  Greek columns and Teleprompters have schooled us on how to discern the sincere from the bogus, and with Barack Obama as the measure, Tim Tebow’s gold stands in contrast to Obama’s dross. One definition …

Planned Parenthood: Government-Funded Religion

Originally posted at American Thinker. blog The First Church of Planned Parenthood, one of Barack Obama’s favorite government-funded religious organizations, released its annual report for fiscal year 2009-2010.  Compliments of the American taxpayer, the President’s beloved charity received $487.4 million in tax monies and used a portion of that money …

Maryland Abortion Horror Leads to Murder Charges

Originally posted at American Thinker. blog In Elkon, Maryland, two abortion doctors were filling ice chests with viable human beings. Local authorities are aghast after discovering freezers full of fetuses, some full term, in a clinic in Elkon County. The doctors accused of disposing of viable infants are Dr. Steven Brigham …

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