Government coming after baby fat – American Thinker. Blog – May 15, 2010

Originally posted at American Thinker.

Citizens of ObamAmerica are in the process of being told to stand over there, wear this, say this, don’t say that.  We’ve all been given an equal share of pennies in a change purse and, after lining up for a trip to the school nurse; Americans have been instructed to put our heads down for quiet time – although calm “federal fat police” may have a melee in the making after proposing a bill mandating measuring children’s BMI. Why?- Because government handling of American children is something even the compliant defy.

Recently, in coordination with the findings of the Childhood Obesity Task Force, Congress proposed a bill placing “federal and state government in the business of tracking how fat or skinny, American children are.”

That’s right, Michelle and the food cops plan to chase little Johnny with a caliper grabbing adorable baby fat and pinching baby bellies for reasons other than coochy-coochy coo.

States receiving federal grants … would be required to mandate that all health care providers … determine the body mass index [BMI] of all their patients in the 2-to-18-age bracket and …would be required to report the information to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for analysis.

Introduced by House Ways and Means Committee member, Congressman Ron Kind (D-Wis), and called the Healthy Choices Act.  The bill eradicates “choices,” while seeking to “establish and fund a wide range of programs and regulations aimed at reducing obesity rates.”

Less than perfect BMI gained notoriety when Michelle Obama realized Sasha and Malia’s perfection-level had more to do with fat cells than intelligence or character. Michelle said. “I thought my kids were perfect – they are and always will be – but [the doctor] warned … something was getting off balance.” Could it be the physician recognized a problem with the parents and not the children.

The bill also proposes instituting nutritional labeling on the front of food products, for those Americans who don’t know how to turn the package over and “subsidizing businesses that provide fresh fruits and vegetables,” which might encourage Home Depot to hand out navel oranges in the paint department.

The bill states the government will distribute grants to states meeting “certain criteria, including having ‘the capacity to store basic demographic information.”  Children will be registered in an official “fat pinching” data base where socio-economic status, birth, gender, height, weight and immunization records will be tracked for children residing in every state.

Initially “pinch provisions” would apply only to children in states that accept grants under the bill.”  According to a spokesperson, “no one is forced to come in for a doctor’s visit to get [his or her] BMI tested.  BMI will be taken at times when the child makes an otherwise scheduled doctor’s visit,” at a soon to be established, neighborhood friendly, government funded, healthy kid clinic.

In spite of rigid bureaucratic controls, if little Johnny manages to acquire contraband in the form of Fruit Loops® or Twizzlers®, he will be exposed by a BMI greater than the 95th percentile for age and gender.  Then, “the state will provide information on how to lower BMI [by way of] state and local obesity prevention programs,” which Johnny will be duty-bound to avail his chubbiness to.

Speaking kindly and on behalf of “busy American families,” Democrat Ron Kind shared how government BMI monitoring is imperative to “Making the healthy choice–the easy choice for our families [and] is essential to ensuring quality of life.” Not to mention, successfully choking the life out of American children with governmental calipers, while simultaneously eradicating true choice; self-respect and every trace of individual autonomy


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