Heads up! Obamacare ‘Clarification’ Keeps on Coming

Originally posted at Clash Daily Dollars to donuts, Florida + library = senior citizens, which is why being prematurely gray makes Sebelius so approachable for certain age groups. That’s good, because the chief Obamacare spokes-falsifier, Kathleen Sebelius, matter-of-factly surprised a group of local residents at a Miami library with the …

Medicare Reimburses the Deceased and the Illegal

Originally posted at American Thinker. blog The  Washington Times headline reads: “Medicare paid millions to dead patients, illegal immigrants, probe finds.”  While this subject has been broached before, it is imperative that it continue to be stressed.  Why?  Because the government reimbursing dead people and providing drug subsidies to illegal …

Sorry Sebelius! It looks like Sarah Murnaghan will turn 11 years old

The problem Ms. Sebelius must now grapple with is that she publicly declined to waive the rules for a deathly ill little girl whose life could have easily been saved. As a result, Americans are now aware that the Secretary of Health and Human Services is capable of handing over helpless little girls and boys to premature death.

Obama’s ‘Saving Even One Child’ Policy Falls Short

Now, after hearing Kathleen Sebelius make the cold comment that “someone lives and someone dies” in response to questions about why she refuses to intervene in the Sara Murnaghan emergency lung transplant case, it’s clear that anti-gun political pragmatism is at the root of concern over the saving of some lives and not others.

Obama lied, babies died – American Thinker. – July 18, 2010

Originally posted at American Thinker. blog It’s hard to comprehend that intelligent people believe Obama speaks the truth. A simple question: If an individual encourages coldly tossing a barely breathing infant into a laundry room to die and uses the upholding of the original intent to kill the baby as an …

Belkis Gonzalez, Secretary of Health and Human Services

As luck would have it President Barack Obama may have found a potential Cabinet appointee today right on the front page of the Sun Sentinel and realized that he might have prematurely chosen Governor Kathleen Sebelius as head of Department of Health and Human Services. Sebelius is controversial and pro-choice …

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