Costa del Solace – American Thinker. – August 10, 2010

Originally posted at American Thinker. Those of us who thought the “Michelle tours Marbella” saga ended after the First Lady dined on char-grilled turbot with the King and Queen of Spain and returned to Washington DC were mistaken. Seems today the Obama spin team has taken prevarication to a new level.  I …

Fact Checker-in-Chief – American Thinker. – August 3, 2010

Originally posted at American Thinker. Blog Last week the biggest media hog in the history of the American presidency appeared on ABC’s  “The View.” Sitting cross-legged on the couch squeezed securely between Barbara Walters and Joy Behar, the President pinned the blame for the racially explosive Shirley Sherrod incident on …

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