‘Dangerous Hairdryers’ and Self-protective Cutting Shears
Big Sis on the job protecting Americans from the real border threats: 13,000 “unsafe hair dryers.”
Big Sis on the job protecting Americans from the real border threats: 13,000 “unsafe hair dryers.”
University of Chicago plans on building a parking lot for Obama library by paving over Reagan’s boyhood home.
Think about it – in 2008 the “very attractive” Obama lured both flies and foragers with words that oozed with the sweet nectar of government-provided entitlements, which is similar to how an actual flytrap operates.
According to that sort of logic, even if Hispanic-looking, non-English-speaking persons were seen loading “Fast and Furious” assault weapons provided by Eric Holder himself into a van owned by gun smugglers, or carrying a severed head in a bowling bag, it would still be blatant discrimination to ask them to produce proper credentials.
On the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Ms. Mary managed to do what pro-choice people have simply refused to do, and that is to admit that abortion is killing.
For Adolf Hitler, his young targets were Jewish children below the age of 12. For “Above My Pay grade” Barack Obama, it’s pre-born, partially born, and born-alive babies of any race, creed, or color.
Originally posted at American Thinker. Thus far, the criticism surrounding the president’s shameless exploitation of schoolchildren at the recent White House 23-Executive-“Actions” performance has focused largely on how wrong it was to use little kids as political props. Even more reprehensible though is staged propaganda falsely promoted as unsolicited ‘Letters to the …
You stay classy, Mrs. Obama.
The difference between Reagan and Obama is that instead of doing what the Gipper did, which was to impart a measure of his own patriotic optimism to the country, Obama openly exposes his resentment.
It’s easy for a preacher to get kicked out of Barack Obama’s inauguration. All he has to do is proclaim the Word of God.