Community Organizing, Cairo Style
Any community organizer worth his salt would have to admit that the community-organizing stratagem Barack Obama so closely identifies with is what is now crudely on display in the Arab world.
Any community organizer worth his salt would have to admit that the community-organizing stratagem Barack Obama so closely identifies with is what is now crudely on display in the Arab world.
Much like her complicated and confounding pseudo-marriage, Clinton said that her question about Libya “reflects just how complicated, and at times, how confounding the world can be.”
Originally posted at American Thinker. blog No sooner has Michelle Obama finished pushing the online course for the grocery shopping-impaired than now she comes up with a backup plan for those who find it impossible to keep the grocery cart far from the sugar, fat and salt aisle. Mrs. Obama recently revealed that if …
Just a few short days after vowing that the 74,000-seat Bank of America stadium in Charlotte, North Carolina would be overflowing with fainting, weeping Obama fans, word is out that David Axelrod and Debbie Wasserman Schultz may have done a rain dance in order to save face for President Obama. …
As a group, Democrats provide tons of fodder for humor. But by far the most ridiculous thing liberal women have done to date is dress up like female genitalia to make a statement at the RNC.
Originally posted at BIG Hollywood In the overall scheme of things, who really cares what washed-up singers, menopausal actresses, and angry race-card playing movie stars think about anything? Generally, they’re not very bright or particularly insightful; they’re fairly shallow and hopelessly, cluelessly liberal. However, Hollywood blabbermouths provide a perfect micro …
NOW up in arms.
Liberal-style designer spirituality is a combination of moral relativism and a hybrid form of pseudo-Christianity — and we’re seeing it in spades from Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and others
Originally posted at BIG Hollywood Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood and NARAL/Pro-Choice America’s president Nancy Keenan, together with Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown University flunky Barack Obama drags around to help legitimize the contraceptive mandate, are all slated to be guest speakers at the DNC pro-abortion jamboree in Charlotte, North …
It’s stunning that the left actually embraces the idea that taking a stand for life instantly translates into hostility toward, or contention with, the female gender.