Barack Obama: Waging Bio Warfare Against the United States?
Allowing illegals into the U.S. infected with contagious super bugs can be likened to transporting Americans to Hiroshima before dropping the A-bomb!
Allowing illegals into the U.S. infected with contagious super bugs can be likened to transporting Americans to Hiroshima before dropping the A-bomb!
That’s why, after spending decades protecting her professional aspirations at the expense of women victimized by her philandering husband, it would be deliciously ironic for Hillary to be publicly disgraced for having defended a fiend who had raped a 12-year-old child while knowing full well he was guilty.
In the past, Barack Obama has repeatedly proven that he believes he is above the law, which is why he took the Gitmo matter into his own hands and circumvented the rule requiring him to notify Congress 30 days prior for approval before releasing prisoners.
Clearly, in Barack Obama’s “sacred obligation” economy, when it comes to exchanging prisoners, the value of Bowe Bergdahl outweighs the value of two men falsely imprisoned, one a Christian pastor, father, and husband, the other a dedicated veteran of two tours of duty in Afghanistan.
It is already firmly established that Michelle Obama relishes the trappings of power, frittering away tax dollars, and bossing large numbers of people around. Moreover, if she makes her mind up about something, she absolutely refuses to take “no” for an answer, so it makes sense she’d want to embark on a political career of her own.
It should be noted that Obama said that Stanley Ann did the arguing from a hospital room, which was a privilege denied to 150 and counting deceased U.S. veterans trapped in a government single-payer system who wasted away on a VA waiting list.
Clearly, in Barack Obama’s “sacred obligation” economy, when it comes to exchanging prisoners, the value of Bowe Bergdahl outweighs the value of two men falsely imprisoned, one a Christian pastor, father, and husband, the other a dedicated veteran of two tours of duty in Afghanistan
In the paraphrased words of Thomas Jefferson: ‘A government big enough to buy you your potatoes is a government big enough to take those potatoes away.’
With that in mind, why haven’t the Republicans in Washington inquired as to why liberals who claim they don’t like it when guns kill people seem fine when socialized medicine does the killing?
If Michelle were really looking for an issue to address, maybe instead of monitoring school cafeterias, veterans’ treatment delays would have been a better place to start.