Redefining ‘Occupy’: Do Indecent Exposure, Rape, and Theft Fit in the #OWS Movement?

Originally posted at BIG Government Apparently, liberals have a problem differentiating the literal meaning of certain words. Either that, or they feel comfortable altering meanings to accommodate things they say they stand for but would rather not actually have to live out. #OccupyWallStreet began as movement for economic justice but has grown into a …

Obama for America Emails Demand Donors Get ‘Fired Up’ or Shamed for Non-Contribution

Originally posted at BIG Government One year out from the next election, the President’s 2012 reelection coffers are failing to fill up at a fast enough rate to meet the quarterly bilking quota.  Thus the situation demands a new tactic to prod, embarrass and shame former contributors into making the same …

‘Fast and Furious’: What if Eric Holder is Telling the Truth?

Originally posted at BIG Government In light of the “Fast and Furious” fiasco, the Obama administration is embarrassing itself whenever it tries to convince the public that on issues like healthcare and immigration reform, the government is well equipped to ensure the safety of the American people. Presently, a scandal …

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