Is Paula Deen in a High Blood Sugar Tizzy?
Paula Deen is on the outs with the Food Network Channel, but who knows maybe Obama will extend the butter queen amnesty.
Paula Deen is on the outs with the Food Network Channel, but who knows maybe Obama will extend the butter queen amnesty.
The degenerate lured the child into repeated sexual encounters by offering him beer.
Originally posted at The Blacksphere It’s official. Either Chelsea Clinton has a latent death wish, or the sole progeny of the supposed “smartest woman in the world” isn’t all that bright. A little background: Ivy League-educated Chelsea Clinton attended Stanford University, NYU, and Columbia University, and even the University of Oxford. …
Yeah, but is he a jelly donut?
That explanation not only supports Obama’s ongoing “tearing and putting back together” endeavor, but also explains why Big Sis allows our porous border to remain open – the DHS’s “shape of its own choosing” worries that the civil liberties of illegal aliens may be infringed upon.
A warning shot?
But what’s even more amazing than a bronze effigy of Michelle Obama being erected in a Moneygall park is the amount of money this gal is costing taxpayers on her Mommy-and-Me junket to Obama’s ancestral home.
Originally posted at American Thinker. Blog Every year, like clockwork, Mrs. Obama exploits the president’s official business responsibilities to squeeze in a pre-summer vacation, otherwise known as a PSV. A PSV is where vacation junkie Michelle finds a way to finagle a series of trips at the taxpayer’s expense. Here is how …
Prior to current don’t-hurt-Muslim-feelings insanity being instituted, reports claim that there were dozens of fruitful sting operations conducted where potential terrorism was thwarted and American lives saved.
The youth voters, suddenly too poor to buy pot, are awakening from their haze to realize the Obama-induced economy sucks.