Huh?!? — Michelle Obama Confirms Prez’s Long List of Imperfections

What happened to Michelle’s badge of honor between high school and college? The first lady, who – like her husband – has never disclosed her GPA, conveyed an odd message to the college-bound high school graduates: “[I] spent too much of [my] own time in college focusing on academic achievements.” What is up with that?

Obama ‘In the Morehouse’

Nevertheless, winding down with a “House”-ful of Is, the president explained that his success didn’t result from “Ivy League degrees or SAT scores or GPAs,” — none of which anyone has ever gotten so much of a glimpse of. Instead, according to Obama, his achievements hinge on his “sense of connection[,] … empathy,” and the obligation he feels to the black community as a black man proud of his Irish ancestry.

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