Barack Obama Couldn’t Care Less about Dead Children
If preventing death were really Obama’s goal, then he’d address the much larger number of Americans who die for reasons other than lethal gunfire.
If preventing death were really Obama’s goal, then he’d address the much larger number of Americans who die for reasons other than lethal gunfire.
However, Ms. Ros-Lehtinen, for one to use “common sense,” one must possess” common sense.” Moreover, in case it’s eluded you, recently the “good time” Carters’ BFFs shuttered the White House to commoners, while inside they behaved like Tudor monarchs being amused by “Memphis Soul Night” jesters.
It’s been a whole week and America is long overdue for another up-yours, in-your-face display of Obama-style overindulgence. This time America is getting a double dose; the White House, which is currently off limits to the little people due to budgetary constraints, is swinging open the doors to welcome the …
Sounding like an interviewer at a bogus daycare sexual abuse trial, Ms. Ball revealed her extreme values when she asked her daughter, “What if you were in love with a girl, could you marry a girl?” Much to her mother’s delight, Ella said that if she chose to marry a girl, and not a little boy named Eli, she could only do so in New York.
Oops! Doesn’t a smart woman like Michelle realize that there is a big difference between “single” and “busy?” Guess she does, because the first lady quickly corrected her Freudian slip by saying, “Sometimes when you’ve got the husband who’s president, it can feel a little single, but he’s there.”
Simple math proves that the deportation of 11 or 30 million illegals, whichever you prefer, would pay for itself in a little over a year, saving billions, maybe even trillions of dollars in the long haul. That kind of an investment would send a firm message to the world to respect our borders, and give America back to Americans and law-abiding immigrants entering the nation through the proper channels.
Providing the Ohmies a place to ohm and lending a religious flavor to the occasion is the Yoga Garden, complete with professional yoga instructors. In place of Biblical references to Jesus’ death and resurrection, the New-Age Yoga Garden will pay homage to Sanskrit, Lord Krishna, and the Bhagavad Gita.
Wait! When Obama says “all Americans” does “all” include himself and the $10 million dollar vacationer he’s married to, or does “all” just mean everybody except Mr. and Mrs. Obama?
And for all of Barack’s $900K Florida golf weekends, and more importantly, Michelle’s alleged $10 million vacations, haute couture, and overpaid personal staff, the tragic victims of their selfishness and insensitive lack of fiscal restraint are Sasha and Malia.
However, what that study forgot to mention was, that although a significant relationship could start with a “spark” between two people across a room, “friends with benefits” could end up sharing antibiotics when they join the 110,197,000 STD sufferers (1 in 3) presently falling madly in love across America.