
Michael Jackson has been laid to rest.  His glorious career and talent are now entombed in a hand polished, gold-plated Promethean sepulcher. Ironically, Prometheus, son of a Titan, stole fire from Zeus and was sentenced to eternity being devoured by a vulture.  Michael, ablaze with the fire of the gods, …

“Run” or “Ruin” You Dunce-ide

In an effort to defend the White House administrative staff the president tried to defuse the hub-bub over the spelling errors that seem to be plaguing the administration’s official correspondence. After misspelling the president’s name as “Barak Obama” yesterday on an official document sent to reporters, the General Services Administration …

Chavista’s Constitutional Coup League

Thomas Jefferson said, “Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.” Throughout history, oppressed people tend to eventually rise up against dictatorial leadership and demand freedom.  Barack Obama, who should champion the cause of liberty, appears to endorse repressive governments and leaders and admonish the actions of those fighting to attain …

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